Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

Tour de Batavia (Part I : 1st Day)


Here we had a lunch, and did something we called 'cuci mata' in Indonesia,, hehehe. How ethusiastic we were there seeing and looking at many attractive girls (which were seldom to be found at Jogjakarta hohoho).. Indeed, it's not too much if people says that Pondok Indah Mall is the nest of tiks-tiks (our expression over beautiful girls). Bintang was the one most enthusiastic there, his eyes were seeing through everything to every course..
Actually, in my opinion, not all of girls here beautiful, but they are good in making and dressing up..

PS :
sorry, no photo in PIM, after we take this picture, the author and Rendy were warned by security not to take picture in mall area.


after getting tired, we went to Roti Bakar Edi at Jl. Sisingamangaraja, next to the author's school. So here we hang out together,, Edo and Tanto came with their friends Mpeng and Ulong (a.k.a. Wahyu), and with Mrs. Edo also (Desti)..
This place is well known as place for hanging out with cheap prices, and it opens until 3am.. The menu is variated,, siomay, kuetiaw, padang satai, pempek, porridge, aand of course roti bakar.. Roti bakar edi has grown to 5 branches over Jakarta,, its uniqueness is the hanging out place but in "kakilima" nuance..

left to right: Ulong, Tanto, Wanda, Bintang, author, Rendy, Edo, Desti

left to right: Rendy, Edo, Desti, Mpeng, Ulong, Tanto, Wanda, Bintang


this location is very cool at night, the lighting is awesome! It's very cool place to take picture,, but we were there only for a short time.. It's noot good idea if the secutiry came here..

Author: "That's all for the first day,, not muct places to visit?? it was quite tiring.. We were just arrived in the morning hehe time had shown at 00:30,, time to go home.. we still had a few more days"

See ya at Tour de Batavia Part II: 2nd Day

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

Tour de Batavia by Bananas


That day was Friday, April 11th 2008, the day when we Bananas were going to have a vacation to our capital city, Jakarta. We had planned this journey for a long time, even the places we were going to have a visit had been talked and listed down, like Taman Menteng, Dufan, Roti Bakar Edi, University of Indonesia, and others.

We planned to go by train together to Senen Station, but fortunately, our friend Tanto was going to Jakarta also by his car. So, here we go five,, Tanto driving the car, Bintang in the front, and we three Edo, Wanda, adn the outhor at the back (Rendy would go after us tomorrow by executive train,, of course coz he's ganz).

Here is the photos of the picnickers,,





and me, the author..

we were late, coz we prioritize Friday prayer first.. Hoho absolutely.. The route we passed through was the south route. This journey was enjoyable, we sang along the time we stopped by at Wangon Sari (before Purwokerto). A this place we ordered some food.

By the time 21 o'clock, we had arrived at Cipularang Highway

(unfortunately, we couldn't stopped by at Bandung hohoho), so we arrived at Tanto's House at Slipi late night.

We were very tired, so we went to bed strightly,, at dawn, my handphone was ringing, rendy called, he asked to be picked up at Gambir Station.. We, Tanto, Bintang, Wanda, and the author went to pick him up. After that, Tanto straightly chauffeured us to author's home....

Actually, i just told my parents in the morning that there would be my friend going to stay in for a few nights at home. Alhamdullillah, they granted permission (phiuuuuh).. How unfortuna

So this is our zero day>>>

Senin, 01 Desember 2008

Review kejadian-kejadian sejak blog ini 'mati suri'..

Yup, penulis akan segera mencoba untuk 'bangkit dari kubur' dan menghidupkan kembali blog ini.. Hm,, mungkin penulis akan memulai dari hal-hal yang ringan dan menyenangkan, bukan yang berat-berat seperti motivasi, ato investasi, ato puisi,, mengingat cukup banyak kejadian-kejadian besar yang penulis alami sejak bulan Februari lalu (terakhir posting,, huks huks).. Seperti liburan penulis dengan teman seperjuangan yang sama na'as-na'asnya (bananas a.k.a. batang-batang na'as,,) ke Jakarta waktu itu pada bulan April, masa-masa KKN yang penuh kenangan pada bulan Juli-Agustus di Kotagede, perjalanan ke Bandung dengan bekal seadanya untuk bertemu Fitri Astarie, hingga bergelut di pabrik baja terbesar di Indonesia..

Tunggu tanggal mainnya ya!! hohoho

Selasa, 2 Desember 2008
pukul 01:56
Di rumah tempat bernaung, kompleks Krakatau Steel
menunggu printer yang macet.